Online Training: General Fitness

Do you go to the gym every day and never really see much progress? Do you have a plan that you follow or just aimlessly walk from machine to machine looking to feel like you’re training hard? So many adults go through this and we’re here to assure you that it doesn’t have to be like that!

So many adults dread going to the gym because they don’t have a plan or they don’t know how to progress themselves. What if I told you that you could have a custom program built for you, it would change from month to month, you would enjoy it AND you would get the results that you’re looking for? It’s possible with GP Online Training!

Let’s take the thinking out of it, and help you focus on sweating and sculpting your body!

What we factor in when building an online program:

  1. Where do you live?
  2. How old are you?
  3. What are your goals?
  4. What is your injury history?
  5. Do you have any pre-existing medical conditions?
  6. What kind of equipment do you have access to?
  7. Are the exercises that you just DO NOT like doing?
  8. Are there any specific areas of your body that you want to target?
  9. Are there any fitness goals you’re looking to accomplish? (Ex. Run a 5k, do a tough mudder, bench press 300 lbs. etc.)
  10. Are you willing to be dedicated and become the PERSON that you know you can be?

Contact us today and we’d be glad to schedule a consultation on the phone or through email. We can’t wait to take your body and your fitness to the NEXT LEVEL.

“Terry is the best! If you are serious about reaching your fitness goals then you need to see Grossetti Performance!”
– Eric Burkett (Disabled Military Veteran)